Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.

Words of Life 2 in Isaro-Sate

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From Creation to Christ ▪ We are Like Stones ▪ Gehazi ▪ The Birth of Jesus - 1 ▪ Jesus, the Mighty One ▪ The Parable of the Sower ▪ Jesus Calms the Storm ▪ The Gadarene ▪ Death and Resurrection
From Creation to Christ ▪ We are Like Stones ▪ Gehazi ▪ The Birth of Jesus - 1 ▪ Jesus, the Mighty One ▪ The Parable of the Sower ▪ Jesus Calms the Storm ▪ The Gadarene ▪ Death and Resurrection
6.7 MB
 28′ 52″
Remember God Today ▪ Why Does Man Fear Death? ▪ Protection From the Enemy ▪ Jesus Can Heal Your Soul ▪ The New Birth ▪ Christ Our Mediator ▪ Are You Going to Heaven? ▪ After Believing ▪ Prayer is Talking to God ▪ Everyone Must Stand Before God ▪ The Second Coming
Remember God Today ▪ Why Does Man Fear Death? ▪ Protection From the Enemy ▪ Jesus Can Heal Your Soul ▪ The New Birth ▪ Christ Our Mediator ▪ Are You Going to Heaven? ▪ After Believing ▪ Prayer is Talking to God ▪ Everyone Must Stand Before God ▪ The Second Coming
6.6 MB
 28′ 32″